Today I tweeted I am going to run for the 2nd trip of the #100DaysofCode challenge on Twitter.
This marks my first blog.
Why I failed the first time?
I failed the first time because I didn't have a strict schedule for my day. I just kept on tasks as they appear so on and so forth. Not anymore...
I recently stumbled across this video and it has just opened my eyes to productivity
Last time I set my goal to build a personal portfolio + blog site. Did I at least accomplish that? Nope. So, same this time?
Yes, but there's more to it. These will be my upcoming 100 days goals:-
Build a personal blog + portfolio
Finish Advent of Code 2022
Do some leetcode and hackerrank challenges
Learn about DSA, primarily.
That's it for today, I will post a blog every day to document my way. See you tomorrow.
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